Gemstone Testing

Creating gemstone reports is a complex field that requires both research and extensive subject-matter experience. The International Standards Corporation has a well-earned reputation in this field. We can currently issue reports for diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds.


Our laboratory is equipped with the latest advanced technology, and our gemologists are highly skilled in the most reliable identification and analysis methods. By partnering with leading gemological research laboratories, the International Standards Corporation will evaluate your gemstones, assessing identity, quality, treatment (or confirmation of the natural status) and likely origin.

Our Reports

Laboratory reports are often referred to as certificates, but this is misleading since gemstone reports do not certify anything, nor do they serve as warranties. Our reports meet industry standards and represent professional assessments by highly trained gemologists.

Reports typically include the following information:

Identification Number
The identification number is used to match the gemstone to our laboratory records.

A clear, well-lit and carefully-composed photograph of the gemstone is essential for identification purposes.

Family / Type
Our reports include both the family (also referred to as the "type") and variety of the gemstone.

Weight / Dimensions / Shape
Weight is shown in carat to the second decimal place, and dimensions are indicated in millimeters to the second decimal place. The shape is assessed according to industry standards.

Employing both the skills of our gemologists and precision equipment, we determine the exact color, and, if indicated, the most sought-after color (for example, pigeon blood for rubies).

Natural vs Synthetic
We are able to distinguish between natural and synthetic gemstones and prominently indicate the status in our reports.

The stone's origin – or provenance – can affect the price of stones such as rubies, sapphires and emeralds. It can also help determine if the stone was mined ethically and/or in accordance with clean and sustainable environmental practices.

Treatments – especially heat treatments applied to saphires – are fairly common and designed to enhance the stone's appearance. Treatments almost always negatively affect the price of gemstones, and are disclosed in the report.

Inclusions are naturally-occurring characteristics, either on the inside of the stone or on its surface. Inclusions that affect the visual appearance (even if only seen under a microscope) and the structure of the gemstone (and make it difficult to cut into jewellery) can impact negatively on the stone's value.

Report Limitations
Our reports always note any limitations in their assessment. For example, determining provenance might not always be possible.

Find Out More

Testing gemstones is a highly specialized field. We pride ourselves on the accuracy of our reports and the confidence they give to our clients.

Contact us to learn about gemstone testing.